Higham, Holton St Mary, Raydon, Stratford St Mary

Four churches united by God and his people

  • The Rectory
  • Hadleigh Road
  • Raydon
  • Suffolk
  • IP7 5LH

07947 737789
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 Services in the 4 Marys Benefice 

Please check our Facebook pages for any updates or email if you would 

like to receive occasional updates by email.    

Church Services for July 2024

Sunday 7th July:            10am Stratford SM 
th Sunday after Trinity    Morning Worship              

Sunday, 14th July:          8.30am Higham        
7th Sunday after Trinity    Holy Communion
This is a shorter said service in traditional
language according to the Book of Common Prayer.  

Sunday, 21st July:          10am Holton St   
8th Sunday after Trinity     
Mary Holy  

Sunday 28th July:           10am Raydon 
9th Sunday after Trinity     
Holy Communion   

Dates for your Diary

The Rev’d Canon Thomas Woodhouse,
Deputy Priest-in-the-Ordinary to HM the
King will be visiting our benefice. He
represents the Duchy of Lancaster as 
Patron of Stratford St Mary Church.
Thomas will be
taking the 10am service 
on Sunday, 18th Augustin Stratford
followed by a Bring & Share Lunch.

Join us for an evening with Thomas
Woodhouse on 
Saturday, 17th August
in the Parish Room in Stratford
. We
look forward to hearing more about
Thomas’ life and ministry and supper will be
served -details to follow.

Church Services for August 2024

Sunday 4th August:          8.30am Holton 
10th Sunday after Trinity     Holy Communion BCP

Sunday, 11th August:       10am Higham 
11th Sunday after Trinity     Holy Communion

Saturday 17th August
A summer evening with Rev’d Canon Thomas
Woodhouse in the Parish Room in Stratford with
buffet supper – DETAILS BELOW

Sunday, 18th August:       10am Stratford 
12th Sunday after Trinity     Holy Communion

Visit from Rev’d Canon Thomas Woodhouse,

Deputy Priest-in-Ordinary to HM the King

Buffet Lunch for the Benefice following the morning service      

Sunday 25th August:        10am  Raydon  
13th Sunday after Trinity      Holy Communion                    

The Rev’d Canon Thomas Woodhouse,
Deputy Priest-in-the-Ordinary to HM
the King will be visiting our benefice. He
represents the Duchy of Lancaster as Patron
of Stratford St Mary Church. Thomas will be
 taking the 10am service on Sunday,
18th August
in Stratford, followed
 by a Bring & Share Lunch.

Join us for an evening with Thomas on
Saturday, 17th August in the Parish Room
in Stratford over supper.

Learn more about the history of the King's
Chapel of the Savoy and his vocation and
work. There will be the opportunity for
questions and conversation.

Please let Christine know if you are planning to attend –
Tel. 01206 322530 or email: cousinsc303@gmail.com

Do join us on this very special weekend
 for Stratford 
and the wider benefice!

5th Sundays in the Benefice

In 2024 the 5th Sundays fall on 31st March (Easter Day), 30th June, 29th September & 29th December and we will be meeting in our churches around the benefice. 

Benefice Churches Open 

All the churches in our benefice are open for visiting every day during daylight hours.

Family Hour in Stratford St Mary 

Family Hour will be taking the usual summer break in July and August and recommence meetings in September. Enjoy the summer!

The Family Hour Team.

Benefice Bible Study / House Group  

The House Group will meet this month on

  Thursday, 25th July

 at 2.30pm at the home of Mrs Judith Shanks,

 34 Strickmere, Stratford St Mary.

We will not be meeting in August but will resume again on the  26th  September.

 Prayer pointers for the Benefice

We pray for our local schools, for pupils and teachers as they work through the last few busy weeks before the summer holidays. We hold all families in our prayers who will be travelling during the holidays; may they travel safely and enjoy a relaxing time away. And we pray for all those in our communities who can’t go away. May they have a refreshing time at home and hopefully be able to enjoy some nice weather and sunshine.


We pray for all those who are ill, in pain or in any way unwell, for

those personally known to us and also for: Nicky Bull, Steve Meech, James Stock, Daphne Horrex, Amanda Berry, Penny Watkins and Jonathan Dewey. And we pray for the continuing recovery of HM the King and of the Princess of Wales.


Grant to them and to all who are affected by illness, your healing

and wholeness, faith, hope, and the knowledge of your love,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


We remember all those who have died. May they rest in peace and rise in glory. And we pray for all who are nearing the end of the earthly journey and those who watch and wait with them. We hold those who mourn in our prayers. May they be held in God’s love and comforted in their grief. 

 The Lord’s Prayer

      Our Father, who art in heaven,
                        hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come;
             thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven.
 Give us this day our daily bread.
 And forgive us our trespasses,
 as we forgive those who trespass against us.
 And lead us not into temptation;  but deliver us from evil.
 For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
 for ever and ever.       Amen.


What kind of services?

The 10 a.m. service is usually Common Worship Holy Communion, but we sometimes have baptisms or other events during that service. Every other month the service in Stratford St. Mary is a Morning Praise service.

The evening service in the Benefice may be Choral Evensong, a said Book of Common Prayer Evening Prayer with a short sermon or a contemporary reflective Sacred Space. Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.

10 a.m. and 5 p.m. (October-March) or 6.30 p.m. (April-September) services rotate around the parishes.  In principle, the pattern is as follows (but please note that the schedule may vary - especially in December - depending on special events, so please check individual dates):

1st Sunday    10am Stratford St Mary (SSM) 

2nd Sunday   10am Higham

3rd Sunday    10am Holton St Mary

4th Sunday  10am Raydon + SSM Family Hour with refreshments and activities for children in the Parish Room (green building in the middle of the village).  

Services on 5th Sundays move around the benefice.

Sometimes we make changes to our usual pattern for special services or visiting speakers. and we will advertise those as far in advance as possible.

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Please follow us on Facebook: 4 Marys Benefice