Higham, Holton St Mary, Raydon, Stratford St Mary

Four churches united by God and his people

  • The Rectory
  • Hadleigh Road
  • Raydon
  • Suffolk
  • IP7 5LH

07947 737789
Email Us

Who are we?

We are a Benefice of four different parishes - Higham, Holton St Mary, Raydon and Stratford St Mary - who were brought together by the Diocese some years ago.  Each church maintains its own unique, historic identity within its own village, and its PCC and finances are dealt with separately from the other churches.  But we are more and more functioning as one worshipping community, with our worship rota containing one morning and one evening service a month for each church. Please see our Services page for where the services are held month by month.

Rector:  Rev'd Manette Crossman:  Tel. 07947 737789
Email: Rev'd Manette

Lay Elder:  Sandy Ranson: Tel 01206 322156

Email: Sandy Ranson

Your Parish Churches are here for you for the occasional offices
like Weddings and Baptisms and when you need to arrange
a loved one’s funeral.
Please get in touch with Rev’d Manette or with one of church wardens if you have any questions or if we can help in any way.

We have an active prayer ministry in our benefice. If you would like
us to pray for you or for someone you know, or if you would like
 to add someone to our prayer list (do ask for their permission first), please get in touch.

For Home Communion, please get in touch with Rev’d Manette who will be able to arrange this for you.

Regular updates about what is going on in our parishes can be found on the Benefice Facebook page:



Higham             Churchwarden Hugo Parker  01206 337234
                          Assistant warden Martyn Carr

Holton               Churchwarden Richard Noel  01206 298276
                          Churchwarden Paul Torrington  01473 312046

Raydon             Churchwarden Geoff Horrex  01473 310422
                          Assistant warden Simon Tennent  01473 310320

Stratford           Churchwarden Sandy Ranson  01206 322156
                          Assistant warden Christine Cousins  01206 322530

Benefice Safeguarding Officer:  Martin O’Brien

Tel. 07964 543718
Email: martinobrien@orwellpark.org


Within the Benefice we are grateful for continued support / donations that are vital in helping us keep our churches going.

Two of our churches have joined the Give A Little campaign and you can donate to these churches via the following link:

St Mary's Church, Stratford St Mary: 


St Mary's Church, Holton St Mary: 


St Mary's Church, Raydon:

Wish List